Platform Release

Introducing Respond 3.0: A User-Centric, Beautiful Leap Forward

Since our inception in 2017, has been at the forefront of driving conversations between you and your customers. Now, we’re ready to take the next step. We’re thrilled to announce Respond 3.0 - a massive revamp and redesign of the platform. Learn why and when we are updating, what’s new and how it benefits you.

Why Are We Redesigning

For the last six years, we have focused on one mission: Revolutionize how businesses communicate with customers to turn every conversation into an opportunity for lasting growth. We are inspired by a vision of a world where every business is just a message away and no conversation goes unanswered.

To a great extent, we’ve succeeded. now serves over 10,000 brands in 86 countries in multiple languages, powering customer conversations that drive revenue, customer satisfaction and business growth.

We’ve done this through three promises we make to customers: Our technology leadership, uncompromising stability and collaboration with our customers to help them grow.

The current interface gets the job done, but can be compliicated and not visually pleasing for some users
Respond 2.0’s user interface and experience

We believe the best way to create a platform is to ensure it delivers the results you want. To do this, we work with you to solve real problems and needs through channels such as our feature request board, our customer success managers and more.

Respond 3.0 was born from the conversations we’ve had and feedback we’ve gathered from you. Despite the reliability and rich features of the platform, we acknowledge the hurdles you face in using it.

First, we wanted to make our platform easier than ever to use. We already created the most powerful platform possible, and now we’re making it easy to use. Second, we’re upgrading the platform's aesthetics so that it’s even better to look at and use.

With these insights in mind, we're excited to unveil what's new in Respond 3.0.

Respond 3.0 Kicks Off With a Gorgeous User Interface

Respond 3.0 introduces a fresh look and feel that makes a pleasure to use even during long hours. Every component in this redesign is meticulously rethought to enhance your experience and efficiency.

An image of Respond 3.0's new user interface
Respond 3.0: A gorgeous new UI update

Overall, the new look and feel present a visually appealing interface. With a modern, welcoming design, it’s a joy to use.

Inbox Module: Transforming the Way You Chat

We have a series of updates to the Inbox Module, previously known as the Messages Module. These updates will be rolled out in three stages, with the first stage focusing on the Inbox Sidebar and Conversations List. Here are some of the key enhancements we’ve made.

Improving Your Conversation Management

First, we’ve added a Quick Actions menu whenever you hover on a conversation card. This menu enables you to close, snooze, trigger Workflow shortcuts, or assign conversations without needing to click on a conversation, making it easier to manage your conversations efficiently.

An image of that highlights the quick action menu
Use the Quick Action Menu to manage conversations with fewer clicks

We’ve also made the closed and snoozed labels more visible. These labels are now more prominent, allowing you to quickly identify the status of your conversations at a glance.

Searching for conversations has also been improved. When you search for a keyword, the search categories will remain persistent, showing you what you have selected and allowing you to switch between categories effortlessly.

An image of a highlighted persistent search categories in Respond 3.0
Persistent search categories make it easier when searching for keywords

Lastly, managing custom inboxes is now more intuitive. You can create a custom inbox, name it, and set sharing options (Private, Public, or Share with selected users) all in one place. This centralized approach simplifies the process, making it more straightforward to organize your inboxes.

Speedier Interactions That Enhance Your Customer Chat Experience

Our latest update for the Inbox Module is designed to enhance your interactions, giving you more time to engage with customers.

The Message and Comment Composers are now separated

We've made significant improvements to the Message and Comment Composers, which are now separated for better clarity. This change ensures that you always know whether you're messaging a customer or leaving a comment. Alongside this, we've optimized the placement of features like the AI Assist button and Channel Switcher.

We've also streamlined the Taskbar by rearranging icons and menus for enhanced visual clarity. Key features, such as the contact name, are now prominently displayed, making it easier to identify who you're chatting with.

A closeup image of the pin function in the new Inbox Module
Select up to two actions to be pinned on the Taskbar

Plus, you can now pin frequently used actions like Snooze, Workflow Shortcuts, and Stop Ongoing Workflows, ensuring they're always just a click away. Additionally, our miscellaneous updates include improved message bubble grouping and hover-over Message Actions for quick access to features like Copy and Translate with Respond AI.

What Else is Coming in Respond 3.0?

This is just the start of your upgrade to a better messaging experience. There’s one last update coming to the Inbox Module soon. But that’s not all. Updates to the rest of the platform are on the way.

We'll keep you informed about the update so follow us LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date. We’ll update you on the platform too.

We will add more details to this post over time, so stay tuned!

Benjamin Steve Richard
Content Writer
Benjamin Steve Richard joined as a Content Writer in 2023. Holding a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of London, Benjamin provides invaluable resources on messaging apps for businesses to help them leverage customer conversations successfully.
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