Practical Guide

LINE CRM: How to Integrate LINE with a CRM on [Jan 2024]

January 10, 2024

Are you looking for a LINE CRM integration? This blog post is for you! In this first-hand guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting a CRM LINE integration. Next, we'll delve into using, an AI-powered customer conversation management software, for LINE marketing, sales and support.

What is LINE CRM?

A LINE CRM is the integration between a LINE Messaging API and a CRM. Businesses aim to integrate popular messaging channels like LINE with their CRM for efficient communication management.

However, most CRMs do not have native LINE integration and have to rely on third-party integrations. This is because they were originally built with email as the main communication channel in mind.

Before investing in a LINE CRM integration, here are a few things you should know.

Getting a LINE CRM: What You Should Know

Before integrating a LINE CRM, businesses must know how to use LINE for business and what integration options CRMs provide.

LINE for Business

Businesses have two choices for using LINE: either the LINE Official Account Manager or the LINE Official Account Messaging API.

The LINE Official Account Manager is designed for businesses receiving low to mid volumes of messages. This option includes basic features such as marking chat statuses as Follow Up or Resolved, adding tags and comments, and sending auto replies and broadcasts.

This can be sufficient for many businesses; however, it lacks advanced automation to route and assign conversations automatically. Plus, it cannot be integrated with external software like a CRM or an omnichannel messaging inbox.

There are two options for businesses to use LINE: the LINE Official Account Manager or the LINE Official Account Messaging API. The LINE Official Account Manager is designed for businesses receiving low to mid volumes of messages. It has basic features like marking chat statuses as Follow Up or Resolved, adding tags and comments, sending auto replies, broadcasts and more. This can be sufficient for most businesses, however, it lacks advanced automation to route and assign conversations automatically. Plus, it cannot be integrated with external software like a CRM or an omnichannel messaging inbox. If you want to integrate LINE with a CRM and need advanced automation to manage your conversations, you’ll need the LINE Official Account Messaging API. However, it does not have an interface because it is just an API. You need to connect it to a business messaging inbox like or a CRM to send and receive LINE messages. Note that what you can do with the LINE messenger API Integrationdepends heavily on the software you choose to connect it to.
LINE Official Account Manager vs LINE Official Account Messaging API

For CRM integration with LINE and advanced automation in managing conversations, the LINE Official Account Messaging API is necessary. However, it does not have an interface because it is just an API.

To send and receive LINE messages, you'll need to connect it to either an AI-powered customer conversation management software like or a CRM. Note that what you can do with the API depends heavily on the software you choose to connect it to.

To choose the best integration, you need to know the types of LINE integration that CRMs support.

Integrating LINE with a CRM

To provide information in this section, we’ve studied three prominent CRMs, namely Salesforce, HubSpot and Zendesk. Out of the three, only Zendesk provides native LINE integration, while the rest rely on third-party integrations.

However, Zendesk doesn’t fully support videos, voice messages and locations. For instance, agents cannot view videos and listen to voice messages in their inboxes. They have to download them to know what customers have sent.

This slows down agents as they have to switch between Zendesk and their downloads folder while managing multiple customers simultaneously.

To provide information in this section, we’ve researched salesforce line integration, hubspot line integrationand,zendesk line integration. Out of the three, only Zendesk provides native LINE integration, while the rest rely on third-party integration. However, Zendesk doesn’t fully support videos, voice messages and locations. For instance, agents cannot view videos and listen to voice messages in their inboxes. They have to download them to know what customers have sent. In addition, the native integration limits the LINE API integration to a single CRM. If you have multiple CRMs and want to integrate LINE with all of them, you won’t be able to do so. Fortunately, most CRMs, even those with native LINE integration, allow third-party integrations. This enables you to use LINE with a business messaging inbox built specifically for messaging like
Types of LINE CRM Integration

Furthermore, agents might inadvertently open the wrong file, leading to extended case resolution times as they must either re-download the correct content or search for it in their downloads.

In addition, the native integration limits the LINE API to a single CRM. If you have multiple CRMs and aim to integrate LINE with all of them, you'll encounter limitations that prevent this.

Fortunately, most CRMs, even those with native LINE integration, allow third-party integrations. This enables you to use LINE with a business messaging inbox built specifically for messaging like

With, you can streamline business communication across instant messaging apps along with traditional channels like email and webchat. Plus, it lets you use LINE to its full potential and integrate multiple CRMs with it.

LINE OA CRM: With, you can streamline business communication across instant messaging apps along with traditional channels like email and webchat. Plus, it lets you use LINE to its full potential and integrate multiple CRMs with it. It supports LINE messaging features like sending rich media content, locations and more. Businesses can also get advanced tools to send broadcasts, automate conversations, route and assign conversations, keep track of agents' workload and more.
How it works: Integrate LINE with multiple CRMs

It supports LINE messaging features like sending rich media content, locations and more. Businesses can use advanced tools for tasks like sending broadcasts, automating conversations, routing contacts, and monitoring agent workloads.

Before diving deeper into’s features, we’ll show you how to integrate any CRM with to use LINE.

Integrating LINE with a CRM on

First, create and set up your LINE Official Account and connect it to Then, create a new Workflow automation and add the HTTP Request Step to connect LINE on with any CRM.

This will allow you to exchange information with your existing CRM while messaging customers on

Integrate your CRM with via HTTP Request Step on your Workflows

You can qualify sales leads, update contact profiles and create deals and tickets in external CRMs without the need to switch between your CRM and the inbox when responding to LINE messages.

How to Use for Marketing, Sales and Support

With all the necessary information at your disposal, here's how you can utilize for LINE marketing, sales and support.

LINE Integration for Marketing

Similar to most messaging channels' anti-spam policies, LINE does not allow businesses to import contacts. Therefore, customers must start a conversation with a business to become Contacts.

To gain Contacts, Businesses can encourage inbound conversations with LINE QR Codes, Click to Chat links and LINE Widget.

Similar to most messaging channels, LINE does not allow businesses to import contacts to reduce spam. Therefore, customers must start a conversation with a business to become Contacts. To gain contacts, Businesses can encourage inbound conversations with LINE QR Codes, Click to Chat links and LINE Widget. You can segment contacts into different audiences to send targeted broadcast messages. Businesses can send broadcast messages at any time with different types of content like images, videos and more.
Benefits of LINE integration for marketing

Upon a lead initiating a conversation, gather their contact information to distinguish between new and existing contacts who may have messaged you on another channel.

If they are an existing contact, consolidate their contact details and conversation history into a unified profile to provide a comprehensive view of the contact. You can also exchange and retrieve their contact information on your CRM.

If a lead is new, you will automatically capture their details and add them as a Contact. You can segment them into different audiences to send targeted broadcast messages. Businesses can send broadcast messages at any time with different types of content like images, videos and more.

LINE Integration for Sales

Integrating a sales CRM with enables you to exchange information between both platforms. Once connected, you can qualify leads and create deals in your sales CRM from in one click.

This way, agents are saved from the trouble of switching back and forth between the inbox and a CRM, allowing them to carry out sales-related tasks while conversing with a customer.

Integrating a sales CRM with allows you to exchange information between the two platforms. Once connected, you can qualify leads and create deals in your CRM with one click from Businesses can also automate sales tasks, such as lead qualification, routing leads to the right team andautomatically assigning them to the right agent depending on which funnel a lead falls into. The highly customizable nature of Workflows enables managers to implement their routing logic. This can be as simple as routing leads by priority access, region, deal size or more. They can also ensure an even distribution of leads across the sales team and automatically assign existing customers to their appropriate sales representative.
LINE CRM: Benefits of LINE integration for sales

Businesses can also automate sales tasks like lead qualifying, routing leads to the right team and auto-assigning them to the right agent based on the funnel a lead falls into. They can even have an AI Agent to serve as the initial responder to handle routine lead inquiries.

The highly customizable nature of Workflows enables managers to implement their own routing logic. This includes routing leads by priority access, region, deal size and more.

As agents will have to communicate with customers from different backgrounds, they can use AI Prompts to refine messages for clarity, translate them to overcome language barriers and more so their message is communicated effectively. You can also use this feature for LINE customer support.

Plus, they can ensure equal lead distribution among the sales team and assign existing customers to their dedicated salesperson automatically.

LINE Integration for Support’s Workflow automation saves agents from performing repetitive tasks like answering FAQs, asking the same questions to get the context of customers’ issues and more.

Businesses can automate FAQs, send multiple-choice questions to help customers communicate what they want clearly and then route and assign customers according to their needs. Similar to the AI Agent’s capabilities mentioned in the sales use case above, businesses can use AI to handle routine inquiries and escalate complex or sensitive issues to human agents.

This way, agents can direct their time and resources to critical issues to provide quality support. To ease agents' workload further, tools like AI Assist provide agents with quick access to relevant information from knowledge bases or existing resources.

This allows them to respond quickly and accurately to customer inquiries, enhancing response times and contributing to a more satisfying customer experience.

With, businesses can automate FAQs, send multiple-choice questions to help customers communicate what they want clearly and then route and assign customers according to what they want. This way, agents can utilize their time and resources on critical issues to provide quality support. If an agent cannot solve an issue, they can request their manager’s help by describing the case or providing background information through internal comments. Agents can also escalate the case to external CRM platforms while chatting with customers, with a click of a button. After a conversation ends, businesses can send a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey measure to the success and quality of their customer support. They can also track individual or team performance via the advanced Reports and Analytics Module. Best of all, they can conduct all their tasks on the go with the mobile app.
Benefits of LINE integration for support

If an agent cannot solve an issue, they can request their manager’s help by describing the case or providing background information through internal comments. Agents can also escalate the case to external CRM platforms with the click of a button while chatting with customers.

After a conversation ends, businesses can send a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey to measure the success and quality of their customer support. They can also track individual or team performance via the advanced Reports and Analytics Module.

We hope you found our first-hand guide to LINE CRM integration useful. Best of all, they can conduct all their tasks on the go with the mobile app. Are you ready to integrate LINE with your CRM? Sign up for our free trial and kickstart your LINE journey with us!

Further Reading

Did you find this article helpful? If so, here’s some additional reading that might be of interest to you.

Content Writer
Gabriella is a Content Writer at, specializing as the team’s go-to authority for WhatsApp since 2022. Her profound knowledge of messaging apps, the SaaS industry and customer behavior makes her articles indispensable guides for tech-savvy businesses.
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