
Conversation-Led Growth: Where Conversations Drive Business Results

September 29, 2023

Are you receiving high volumes of conversations from leads? Do you want to leverage these conversations to drive business growth? After years of helping over 10,000 brands turn conversations into tangible business outcomes, developed the conversation-led growth framework, designed to help businesses effectively implement a conversational growth strategy.

Here, we’ll dive into the importance of a conversational growth strategy and the common challenges businesses encounter when managing conversations. Finally, we’ll show you how the conversation-led growth framework addresses them.

What is Conversation-Led Growth?

Conversation-led growth (CLG) is a framework designed to help businesses maximize lead capture and sales chat conversions. It operates on the principle that every conversation is an opportunity for businesses to engage, delight and convert customers.

Whether it’s a chat initiated by a curious first-time visitor or a query from a long-standing customer, each conversation is a chance to grow your business.

Conversational Growth Strategy: Why do you need it?

Every conversation businesses have is a valuable opportunity for them to achieve tangible business results. Therefore, the more conversations you have, the more opportunities you’ll have to convert leads into customers and keep existing customers coming back for more.

However, many businesses hesitate to drive conversations as they lack cost-effective methods for managing conversations at scale. This is especially true if they rely on traditional communication channels.

How You’re Likely Managing Conversations and How You Should Manage Them Instead

Engaging with leads and customers through traditional channels like email and webchat demands significant manpower and fails to provide agents with the context they need to effectively assist customers.

For instance, emails often lead to extended response times and phone calls confine agents to managing one conversation at a time. Website chats can be interrupted when contacts leave the site or experience internet glitches, forcing them to restart conversations and repeat themselves.

At the heart of the conversation-led growth framework is a fundamental concept that every conversation is an opportunity for businesses to engage, delight and convert customers. The more conversations you have, the more opportunities you’ll have to drive these outcomes. However, many businesses hesitate to drive conversations as they lack cost-effective methods for managing conversations at scale. This is especially true if they rely on traditional communication channels. For instance, emails often lead to extended response times and phone calls confine agents to managing one conversation at a time. Website chats can be interrupted when customers leave the site or experience internet glitches, forcing them to restart conversations and repeat themselves.
Conversation-led growth: What you’re likely currently doing

Due to these challenges, businesses oftentimes divert conversations to self-service resources like FAQ pages or help centers, assuming these resources are sufficient.

In more extreme cases, some businesses even discourage leads and customers from reaching out entirely by making it difficult for them to initiate contact or by not providing clear means for them to get in touch.

Businesses operate under the assumption that this approach is easier and more cost-effective. However, they overlook how each conversation provides opportunities for business growth by pushing leads further along the customer journey. Let’s see how conversations achieve this.

Leverage Conversations to Move Leads Along The Customer Journey

Every day, businesses unknowingly miss out on valuable opportunities that can lead to business growth. While it may seem like potential leads are actively engaging with your brand through likes and comments on social media posts, opportunities often go unnoticed.

The customer journey starts when potential leads discover your brand. During this stage, they typically seek information on your website. If they stumble upon a product they're interested in but can't find answers to questions related to it, they may stop exploring your products and services altogether.

As leads move towards making a purchase, online reviews greatly influence their decision. Positive reviews often lead to sales. However, obstacles like broken "Buy Now" links can cause missed opportunities and abandoned sales.

The conversation-led growth framework ensures each conversations provide valuable outcomes. And it does it by using conversations to fill the gaps in the customer journey. For instance, each failed attempt to get information, take action or contact you is a gap in the customer journey. To successfully bridge these gaps, you need to make it easy for customers to chat with you and vice versa.
Conversational growth strategy: Bridge gaps in the customer journey

When issues arise post-purchase, like product defects or dissatisfaction, customers turn to you for assistance, whether it's to file a complaint, request a replacement or seek a refund.

If they cannot reach your business easily, face unanswered calls and emails or are directed to your FAQ page or help center, this subpar support can lead to customer dissatisfaction and harm your business's reputation.

As businesses want to turn customers into repeat buyers for a steady stream of income, positive initial experiences will increase the likelihood of their return. If they fail to have a positive impression, they may disregard your brand or explore your competitors. This leads to loyalty challenges where you stand to lose customers.

In short, each failed attempt to get information, take action or contact you creates a gap in the customer journey. To successfully bridge these gaps, you need to make it easy for customers to chat with you and vice versa.

To begin, include instant messaging channels in your customer communication strategy if you haven't already.

Use Instant Messaging Channels to Drive Conversations

Starting a conversation on instant messaging channels like WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram is quick and straightforward. Leads can send messages anytime and receive faster replies compared to traditional communication channels like email or phone calls.

This real-time interaction aligns with modern expectations for immediate communication but poses challenges for businesses that are understaffed, receive high volumes of messages or have a presence on multiple instant messaging channels that need to be managed individually.

These scenarios can strain resources and slow down response times, affecting lead engagement and satisfaction.

To get started with a conversational growth strategy, businesses must first use instant messaging channels to converse with customers
Conversation-led growth: Driving conversations on instant messaging channels

Instant messaging channels offer a valuable feature by providing a chat history, allowing both leads and agents to reference previous conversations for context. However, if a business operates across multiple messaging channels, maintaining a centralized history of customer interactions becomes challenging.

This centralized history is vital for ensuring a consistent experience across all channels as 90% of customers expect seamless interaction continuity across all contact channels. This is when a robust customer conversation management platform like and its conversation-led growth strategy comes into play.

Understanding the Conversation-Led Growth Framework

The Conversation-led growth framework consists of 3 Stages: Capture, Convert and Retain, each created to achieve the CLG goal of maximizing lead capture and optimizing sales chat conversions.

The Conversation-led growth framework consists of 3 Stages: Capture, Convert and Retain, each created to achieve the CLG goal of maximizing lead capture and optimizing sales chat conversions.Note that these stages do not strictly follow a linear or cyclical progression, as they can be adapted to meet various business needs. Now, let’s take a closer look at each stage below.
Conversational growth strategy: The conversation-led growth framework

Note that these stages do not strictly follow a linear or cyclical progression, as they can be adapted to meet various business needs. Now, let’s take a closer look at each stage below.

Capture: The Digital Net for Business Opportunities

The first stage, Capture, is for businesses aiming to generate and collect leads by having conversations with them. This stage is all about widening the top of the funnel. You want to attract people who are hearing about your business for the first time.

The first stage, Capture, is for businesses aiming to generate and collect leads by having conversations with them. This stage is all about widening the top of the funnel. You want to attract people who are hearing about your business for the first time. Strategies might include website widgets and chat links on your website, social media capture through click-to-chat ads on Facebook or Instagram, or even QR codes strategically placed in brick-and-mortar stores. The conversations you manage to "capture" here become the leads that enter the next stages of your cycle.
Conversational growth strategy: How to capture conversations

Strategies might include website widgets and chat links on your website, social media capture through click-to-chat ads on Facebook or Instagram, or even QR codes strategically placed in brick-and-mortar stores.

The conversations you manage to "capture" here become the leads that enter the next stages of your cycle.

Convert: The Conversation Engine that Drives Sales

The next stage, Convert, is for businesses aiming to turn leads into paying customers efficiently. To convert leads faster through chat, you need to know when to use AI and automation, when to route conversations to human agents and how to handle these conversations skillfully.

Not all conversations require manpower to resolve satisfactorily or get the results you want. In fact, AI and automation can sometimes deliver better experiences or get better results.

For instance, you can let them handle routine tasks like automatically qualifying leads, using smart AI responses for FAQs, automating meeting bookings and routing conversations to sales agents.

The next stage, Convert, is for businesses aiming to turn leads into paying customers efficiently. To convert leads faster through chat, you need to know when to use AI and automation, when to route conversations to human agents and how to handle these conversations easily. Not all conversations require manpower to resolve satisfactorily or get the results you want. In fact, AI and automation can sometimes deliver better experiences or get better results.  This includes strategies like automatically qualifying leads, using smart, automated AI responses, automating meeting bookings and routing conversations to sales agents automatically. While sales agents usually manage multiple conversations at once, a robust sales inbox can help them do it efficiently. For instance, it can provide a complete view of customers, allowing sales agents to better understand their needs and provide tailored product recommendations.  Plus, advanced features like AI Assist allow agents to offer quick and accurate answers, enhancing the overall customer experience. When in doubt, agents can leverage internal expertise within their teams through internal chats, escalate conversations when the issue is out of their expertise and more to ensure that leads receive the best possible service. By implementing these strategies, businesses can push leads down the funnel faster and turn them into paying customers. However, converting leads is just one part of the equation. To ensure consistent revenue, businesses must also focus on turning these customers into repeat buyers.
Conversational growth strategy: How to convert leads effectively

While sales agents usually manage multiple conversations at once, a robust sales inbox can help them do it efficiently. For instance, it can provide a complete view of customers, allowing sales agents to better understand their needs and provide tailored product recommendations.

Additionally, advanced features like AI Assist empower agents to offer quick and accurate answers, enhancing the overall customer experience.

When in doubt, agents can leverage internal expertise within their teams through internal chats, escalate conversations when the issue is out of their expertise and more to ensure that leads receive the best possible service.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can push leads down the funnel faster and turn them into paying customers. However, converting leads is just one part of the equation. To ensure consistent revenue, businesses must also focus on turning these customers into repeat buyers.

Retain: Keep Customers Coming Back for More

The final stage, Retain, is crucial for businesses aiming to drive repeat business and maintain long-term customer relationships. The goal here is simply to keep customers coming back for your product or service.

Conversation-led growth: The final stage, Retain, is crucial for businesses aiming to drive repeat business and maintain long-term customer relationships. The goal here is simply to keep customers coming back for your product or service. Some strategies include sending promotions and newsletters, and renewal reminders. For example, a monthly newsletter featuring personalized product recommendations and exclusive discounts can keep customers engaged and encourage repeat purchases.  Additionally, timely renewal reminders for subscription services ensure customers stay on track, reducing churn rates and reinforcing their commitment to your brand. By implementing these strategies, businesses can foster strong relationships, drive repeat purchases, and ensure long-term growth.
Conversational growth strategy: How to retain customers

Some strategies include sending promotions and newsletters, and renewal reminders. For example, a monthly newsletter featuring personalized product recommendations and exclusive discounts can keep customers engaged and encourage repeat purchases.

Additionally, timely renewal reminders for subscription services ensure customers stay on track, reducing churn rates and reinforcing their commitment to your brand.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can foster strong relationships, drive repeat purchases, and ensure long-term growth. Next, let’s look at how can help you apply the conversation-led growth framework in your current business processes.

Conversational Growth Strategy: Managing Sales Conversations Using Conversation-Led Growth on

When it comes to effective customer conversation management, emerges as a dedicated platform offering a comprehensive suite of solutions to streamline and optimize conversations. This platform brings key advantages that align with the conversation-led growth framework.

Conversational groeth strategy: When it comes to effective customer conversation management, emerges as a dedicated platform offering a comprehensive suite of solutions to streamline and optimize conversations. This platform brings key advantages that align with the conversation-led growth framework.
The ultimate customer conversation management software for conversation-led growth

Centralized channel management: unifies your traditional and instant messaging channels into a single platform. This ensures that your team has a unified hub to monitor and respond to inquiries across various channels, fostering consistency and efficiency in customer interactions.

Conversation-led growth: unifies your traditional and instant messaging channels into a single platform, simplifying conversation management. This ensures that your team has a unified hub to monitor and respond to inquiries across various channels, fostering consistency and efficiency in customer interactions.
Centralized channel management

Seamless conversation capture: offers seamless methods for capturing conversations through QR codes, chat links and click-to-chat ads. These tools effectively attract potential customers, ensuring that every conversation finds its way into a unified inbox without being missed.

Powerful automation: One of the platform's strengths lies in its capacity to automate processes, from basic tasks to complicated workflows.'s Workflows automation provides the flexibility you need to automate processes of any complexity.

Looking for a customer communication management platform with powerful automation for your conversational growth strategy? One of's strengths lies in its capacity to automate processes, whether for basic tasks or complicated workflows.'s Workflows automation provides the flexibility you need to automate processes of any complexity.
Conversation-led growth: Powerful automation for customer conversation management

AI-powered responses and assistance: harnesses AI to provide automated, contextual answers and valuable assistance to human agents. With AI Prompts, agents can improve and translate messages, ensuring that every interaction is personalized, professional and polished.

AI Agent, an AI chatbot, can handle routine inquiries before assigning the conversation to a human agent. Additionally, AI Assist helps agents answer questions promptly by analyzing queries and providing responses based on message context.

Drive your conversational growth strategy with AI-Powered Responses and Assistance: harnesses AI to provide not only automated, contextual answers but also valuable assistance to human agents. Respond AI lets you use intuitive prompts to improve and translate your message, ensuring that every interaction is personalized, professional and polished. It can also analyze incoming queries and provide suggested responses with relevant information, elevating your ability to deliver prompt, precise and customized responses.
AI-powered responses and assistance

Enhanced conversations:'s features are designed to facilitate highly effective conversations. The platform provides flexible integrations to gain valuable customer context, aiding in tailored responses that ensure each interaction is meaningful and valuable.

Collaborative features further enable your team to work seamlessly, streamlining communication and providing comprehensive support.

Next, let’s look at a real-life example that depicts the power of great conversations.

How Managing Conversations Well Boosted Conversions, Revenue and Customer Loyalty for H&H Skincare

H&H Skincare, a renowned skincare retailer, gained recognition for its 24/7 customer consultation and support. However, expanding its communication channels led to a critical challenge – a customer service bottleneck. emerged as the solution. It unifies its communication channels and allows H&H to scale its teams easily with tools to assist in context-gathering and collaboration. Combined with powerful automation capabilities, H&H was able to respond promptly to inquiries and provide personalized responses and solutions.

The outcome was remarkable. A 300% increase in the number of customers it chatted with daily, a 160% surge in sales over just six months and a strong 60% rate of returning customers.'s partnership revolutionized H&H Skincare's customer service, boosting engagement, loyalty and tangible business growth.

Now that we’ve explored the conversation-led growth framework, let’s put this knowledge into action. Try for free and unlock a world of efficient and customer-centric communication.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed this article, here are some readings that might help you kickstart your conversational growth strategy.

Content Writer
Gabriella is a Content Writer at, specializing as the team’s go-to authority for WhatsApp since 2022. Her profound knowledge of messaging apps, the SaaS industry and customer behavior makes her articles indispensable guides for tech-savvy businesses.
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