
TikTok Ads Cost Breakdown: How to Achieve High ROI

Román Filgueira
August 15, 2024

As TikTok continues to dominate the social media landscape, more businesses are turning to the platform for advertising opportunities via TikTok Ads. For this reason, understanding the TikTok Ads cost is crucial for planning and optimizing your marketing budget. In this blog, we'll break down the costs associated with TikTok Ads, the factors influencing the TikTok Ads price, and best practices to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Is the Cost of TikTok Ads Worth It?

Currently there are more than one popular way for digital advertising. Many businesses choose click to WhatsApp ads on Facebook or Instagram — two very established social platforms where customers spend time daily.

The question here is, can TikTok compete against such powerful advertising solutions? Instead of giving a simple yes or no, let's let the numbers speak for themselves.

With such compelling numbers, it’s clear that TikTok has solidified its place as a powerful advertising platform. Next, we’ll cover the basics of TikTok Ads pricing to see what you can expect when promoting your products or services on this rapidly growing platform.

TikTok Ads Price: The Basics

Advertisers on TikTok have two options when it comes to promoting their products and services on the platform: Relying on influencers or leveraging TikTok Messaging Ads. The costs involved vary depending on the choice. Let’s break this down.

Cost of TikTok Influencer Marketing

Consider partnering with TikTok influencers to amplify your campaign. Depending on their follower count, influencer posts can range from $5 to more than $2,000 per post.

This image shows why you should consider partnering with TikTok influencers to amplify your campaign. Depending on their follower count, ads on tiktok cost can range from $5 to more than $2,000 per post.
Tiktok Ads pricing based on number of influencer followers

Collaborating with an influencer that resonates with your audience can drive significant engagement and help you make more sales. However, this option does not always offer the best ROI. It is also not the best choice for scalability, targeting precision and measuring results. Let’s check out a better alternative.

Cost of TikTok Ads

Similar to WhatsApp click to chat ads, TikTok Messaging Ads is TikTok’s solution for businesses seeking to capture conversations in the app, where users spend their daily time engaging with content.

Then, customers can be converted via sales chat on TikTok DM (TikTok Direct Messaging Ads), WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger (TikTok Instant Messaging Ads).

The TikTok Ads price operates on an auction-based system, where you set a budget and bid for how much you’re willing to pay to show your ad to TikTok users. Essentially, you decide how much to spend, and TikTok uses your bid to compete with others for ad space.

The higher your bid, the more likely your ad will be shown.

You can create your campaigns and ads in the TikTok Ads Manager. To get started, you need a minimum budget of $50 per campaign. At the ad group level, the minimum budget is $20 per day.

This image shows how you can create your campaigns and ads in the TikTok Ads Manager. To get started, you need a minimum budget of $500 per campaign. At the ad group level, the minimum budget is $50 per day.
You can view your TikTok Ads cost per click and more in the TikTok Ads Manager

In the TikTok Ads Manager - Campaign, you can also consult analytics to assess how much TikTok Messaging Ads are costing you. There are two important metrics to look out for:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The average CPC on TikTok is approximately $1.
  • Cost Per Mile (CPM): TikTok's average CPM rate starts at $10 per 1,000 views.

There is one cost left to mention. When creating TikTok Ads, advertisers have two main options: using a design tool like Canva, or hiring a freelancer. Canva, which partnered with TikTok in 2021, offers user-friendly design capabilities with pricing plans ranging from $120/year to $360/year.

Alternatively, hiring a freelancer for professional-grade video ads typically could start at $500 per project, with a production timeline of 2-3 weeks normally.

While this has been a quick and comprehensive introduction to the TikTok ads cost, you probably want to know what factors affect the cost of your ads. Keep reading to find out.

7 Factors that Influence TikTok Ads Price

Several factors influence the cost of advertising on TikTok. In this section, we’ll briefly run through these variables and how they affect the TikTok ads cost.

1. Ad Format and Placement

The type of ad format and its placement within the app significantly affect cost. Ads that are prominently displayed or seamlessly integrated into the user experience typically command higher costs.

This image shows how the type of TikTok ad format and its placement within the app significantly affect cost. Ads that are prominently displayed or seamlessly integrated into the user experience typically command higher costs.
How much does TikTok Ads cost? Ad format, among other factors, affects total costs
  • Spark Ads: These ads can start as low as $20 per ad, but the overall cost for a campaign can vary depending on the reach and engagement desired. A full campaign might range from $50 to $10,000 or more.
  • Hashtag Challenges and Branded Lenses: These interactive formats generally have a higher starting price due to their potential for viral engagement. A branded hashtag challenge can start at around $150,000 for a six-day challenge. Branded lenses (effects) may start around $80,000 to $120,000.
  • In-Feed Ads: Start from around a CPM of $10. The total cost per ad can vary widely, ranging from $50 to $120,000 for a full campaign, depending on factors like targeting, scale, and duration.
  • Top View Ads: These ads are shown to users as soon as they open the app for maximum attention. They capture user attention right from the start, leading to better engagement rates. Due to their visibility and impact, Top View Ads can cost between $50,000 to $100,000 per day.

2. Target Audience

The TikTok Ads cost of reaching your desired audience varies based on demographic factors like age, gender, interests, and geographic location. Targeting high-demand demographics or specific regions can drive up the TikTok Ads price.

3. Campaign Objectives

The goals of your campaign, such as driving brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or boosting sales conversions, impact pricing. Campaigns with more ambitious objectives often require larger budgets to achieve desired outcomes.

4. Ad Settings

The settings you choose, including budget, campaign duration and bidding strategy, influence the overall cost. TikTok offers four bidding models for in-feed ads.

This image shows how TikTok offers four bidding models for in-feed ads: Cost per view, cost per thousand impressions, optimized cost per thousand impressions and cost per click.
How much does TikTok Ads cost? This heavily depends on your bidding strategy
  1. Cost per view (CPV): Pay per view when users watch your video for at least six seconds or interact with it. Ideal for increasing video views.
  2. Cost per thousand impressions (CPM): Pay per thousand impressions when your video appears in users' feeds, whether they engage with it or not. Best for boosting brand awareness.
  3. Optimized cost per thousand impressions (oCPM): Pay per thousand impressions targeted at users likely to convert. This is ideal for expanding reach and driving conversions.
  4. Cost per click (CPC): Pay each time a user clicks on your ad. Suitable for increasing conversions.

Higher daily budgets or more aggressive bidding strategies can result in better ad placement but at a higher cost.

5. Seasonality and Trends

Ad costs on TikTok can fluctuate based on seasonality and trends. For example, during peak shopping seasons like Black Friday or significant cultural events, the TikTok Ads price tend to rise due to increased demand from advertisers.

6. Competition

The level of competition for your target audience directly impacts TikTok Ads cost. High competition in your niche or audience segment leads to higher bids and, consequently, higher costs.

7. Ad Performance and Engagement

TikTok may adjust pricing based on how well your ads perform. Ads that generate high engagement — such as likes, shares, and comments — can lead to lower costs per engagement or improved ad placement, maximizing your budget's efficiency.

4 TikTok Ads Best Practices to Maximize Your ROI

A successful advertising campaign hinges on maximizing ROI. Simply knowing how to create TikTok ads isn't enough to ensure a strong return. To truly optimize your ad spend, you need to go beyond the basics. Here are four valuable tips to help you get the most out of your TikTok advertising budget.

This image shows 4 TikTok ads price best practices to maximize your ROI
Tips to optimize the cost of ads on TikTok

Use High-Engagement Ad Formats

Choose ad formats that are known for high engagement, such as In-Feed Ads or Spark Ads, which can generate more interaction at lower costs.

Test and Iterate

Monitor ad performance and be ready to tweak your campaigns based on what works. A/B testing different creatives and formats can help you identify the most effective strategies.

Keep Content Authentic and Aligned with TikTok Culture

Create ads that feel native to the platform by embracing TikTok’s unique style. Authentic, relatable content is more likely to engage users and drive conversions, leading to a higher ROI.

Monitor and Adjust Bidding Strategies

Regularly review and adjust your bidding strategies to stay competitive without overspending. Consider setting automated bidding to optimize for cost-efficiency while achieving your desired results.

With the information shared in this blog, you can manage TikTok ad costs wisely and get the most out of your investment. For brands looking to stand out and avoid the intense competition on Facebook and Instagram, TikTok Ads provides a unique opportunity to engage your audience and grow your business.

Further Reading

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Román Filgueira
Content Writer
Román Filgueira, a University of Vigo graduate holding a Bachelor's in Foreign Languages, joined the team as a Content Writer in 2021. Román offers expert insights on best practices for using messaging apps to drive business growth.
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